Sunday, March 18, 2012

Slovce na švedskom sajtu

Zahvaljujući nastavnici jedne od  škola srpskog jezika u Švedskoj, koja je pronašla sajt Slovce na internetu i veoma joj se dopao, postavljeno je Slovce kao link nedelje na švedski sajt Tema ,,Maternji jezik”, a objavljena je i kratka priča o autorki .

Hvala puno!

Slovce on a Swedish website

Thanks to a teacher of Serbian language in one of the Serbian language schools in Sweden, who found the Slovce website on internet and liked it a lot, Slovce has been placed as a link of the week on the Swedish site “The Mother Tongue Theme Site

A short story about the author (in Serbian) has been published on this site as well.

Thank you very much!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Novo na sajtu Slovce: Frazice_vežbe

Od Frazica ja nastala vežbanka Frazice_vežbe. Možete je naći na stranici Download [9+]
 i preuzeti je odatle.

Vežba se :
- dopunjavanje i pravljenje odgovarajućih fraza i izraza na srpskom jeziku. Kao pomoć služe ilustracije i/ili rečenice napisane na engleskom jeziku. Vežbanka je tako koncipirana da dete ne mora da zna engleski jezik. U tom slučaju pomoću ilustracija može da napravi izraz na srpskom.
- prevodjenje srpskih fraza na engleski jezik ili jezik društvene sredine deteta (ukoliko to nije engleski).

Namenjena je nešto starijoj deci, koja relativno dobro vladaju srpskim jezikom.  Uzrast nije naveden, jer  je presudan nivo poznavanja srpskog jezika i sposobnosti deteta da prevodi jednostavne rečenice sa srpskog na drugi jezik, a ne godine.

Neophodno je da dete relativno dobro priča srpski jezik i da je u stanju da rečenice prevodi sa srpskog na jezik svoje okoline i obrnuto. Znanje engleskog jezika nije neophodno, ali pomaže.

Važno je pročitati uvod dat na početku vežbanke, koji ukratko opisuje kako treba raditi sa ovi materijalom.


Vežbanku možete odštamapati u A4 ili A5 formatu pomoću uputstva Kako koristiti Frazice  .

Frazice se mogu koristiti kao rešenja vežbanke Frazice_vežbe.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

New on site Slovce: Frazice_vežbe (exercises)

Frazice_vežbe (exercises) are made based on the new material Frazice.You can download it from the page Ekstra/Extra.
In this study material the following can be practised:
  • Making and completing phrases and expressions in Serbian. This can be done by using illustrations and/or sentences written in English. The concept of this material is made in such a way that a child does not have to speak English to be able to do these exercises.
  • Translation of Serbian expressions in English or any other language (i.e. the language of the country where the child lives).
Target group
This study material is meant for somewhat older children. The age is not indicated, because a knowledge of Serbian language is the most determining factor as well as the ability of a child to make a translation of simple sentences from Serbian in another language and vice versa.
It is necessary that the child speaks relatively well Serbian and that he/she is able to translate sentences from Serbian in another language and vice versa.

It is important to read the guideline given in the beginning of the material. This guideline gives a short explanation how to use this material.
You can print out the material in A4 or A5 format as explained in the post How to use Frazice .
Frazice can be used as solutions for Frazice_vežbe(exercises).

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Kako koristiti Frazice

Vrlo je jednostavno:
  1. Odete na stranicu Download [9+] i kliknete na izdanje Frazice i download-ujete ga.
  2. Odštamapte Frazice. Možete u boji da printate, ali nije neophodno. Imate dve mogućnosti za printanje:
    • Format A5: Ova dimenzija se preporučuje, jer je zgodnija za putovanje.  A5 dobijete tako što podesite opcije štampanja na 'knjigu' tj. 'booklet' (dakle dve stranice teksta će biti odštampane na jednoj stranici A4 formata). Ovde je važno da  štampate dvostrano  da bi stranice imale pravilan redosled.  Presavijete Frazice na pola i proheftate.
    • Format A4: To je standardan format i ovde nije bitno da se dvostrano štampa.
  3. Ako želite, dopišete na liniji ispod engleskog teksta, prevod teksta na jeziku životne sredine Vašeg deteta (ako to nije engleski).
  4. Dajte detetu da ponese Frazice  sa sobom na put u Srbiju. Opcija: Možete Frazice i da koristite u igri sa decom ili nastavi, npr. izaberete jednu od situacija sa decom i odigrate je, dodajete nove rečenice itd.
U poruci Novo na sajtu Slovce: Frazice je rečeno više o Frazicama.

How to use Frazice

It is very simple:
  1. Go on page Download [9+] and click on Frazice for download.
  2. Print  Frazice. You can print it in colour, but it is not necessary. There are two options for printing:
    • Format A5: This format is recommended, because it is more convenient for traveling. To get this format you have to choose option 'booklet' for printing (two pages of the text will be printed on one A4 page). It is very important to print double-sided to have pages printed in the correct order. Fold the pages in half and staple them in the middle.
    • Format A4: This is a standard format and it is not necessary to print  double-sided.
  3. If you want, you can add in Frazice a translation of  the text in the language of the country where your child lives on the line under the English text. This option is meant for children not living in English speaking areas. 
  4. Give Frazice to your child to take it with him/her to a trip to Serbia. Option: You can use Frazice to play with children. For instance you can pick a situation and play it with children, add new sentences etc.
More about Frazice you can find in post New on site Slovce: Frazice.

Novo na sajtu Slovce: Frazice

Na novoj strani  Download [9+] možete da nadjete novi materijal - Frazice i download-ujete. Ovaj materijal je sastavljen od različitih izraza i fraza koje mogu da budu korisne detetu u poseti rodjacima i prijateljima u Srbiji.

Ovaj materijal je radjen po ugledu na već postojeće knjige za putnike izdate za različite jezike. Frazice su prilagodjene deci u dijaspori i sadrže neke situacije u koje dete može da dodje.

Frazice su pravljene tako da mogu da se odštampaju u malom formatu, zgodnom za nošenje i da služe kao podsetnik. Namenjene su nešto starijoj deci, koja dobro čitaju i dosta su samostalna.

U sledećoj poruci će biti objašnjeno kako da se Frazice odštampaju u najzgodnijem formatu i koriste.

New on site Slovce: Frazice

A new material has been placed on the new page Download [9+] and you can download it. The name of this material is Frazice. This means in Serbian 'small expressions'. This material contains a collection of usual Serbian expressions/phrases that can be useful to a child visiting relatives and friends in Serbia.

As a model for this material, books for travelers with similar expressions in different languages were used. But, this material is adapted to children's needs and contain the most common situations a child could get in.

Frazice is designed to be printed out in a small format easy to carry with and be used as a reminder of some words/expressions. It is meant for somewhat older children who can read well and independently move around. 

How to print out Frazice in the most suitable format and use it, it will be addressed in the next post.

Uzrast dat na obrazovnom materijalu

Uzrast naveden na naslovnoj strani svake vežbanke je orijentaciono dat (vidi  Download [6-9]). Od detetovog predznanja srpskog jezika zavisi koliko su mu vežbe teške. Navedeni uzast predstavlja samo indikaciju. U svakoj vežbanci je dato i nekoliko težih vežbi kako bi materijal bio dinamičniji.  Rešenja  (na dnu stranice  Download [6-9]) su tu da pomognu deci. 

Age indication given on the study material

Age indication is given on the cover page of each study material (see  Preuzmi/Download ). It is just an indication for parents/teachers. Since children could possess different basic knowledge of Serbian, they may experience the exercises differently. In each study material there are a few complex problems to make this material a bit more dynamic.  Solutions (at the bottom of the page  Preuzmi/Download ) of each study material are given to help children.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

O naslovima Latinijada i Ćirilijada

Ideja je bila da obrazovni materijal ima upamtiljivo i prepoznatljivo ime. U eri Olimpijada u celom svetu, a Kobasicijada, Čvarkijada i sličnih -ijada” u Srbiji, nazvan je i ovaj materijal u skladu sa tim.
Kao što i samo ime kaže, srpska latinica (abeceda) se obradjuje u Latinijadi 1-4, a ćirilica (azbuka) u Ćirilijadi 1-4.
Obrazovni materijal možete besplatno da download-ujete na stranici Download [6-9]. Na dnu te stranice su data i Rešenja ovog materijala. Kako koristiti materijal sa ovog sajta možete pročitati u istoimenoj poruci.
U delu Srpski/Serbian je više rečeno o ovom materijalu kao u i poruci Koncept Latinijade 1-4 i Ćirilijade 1-4  i u porukama o svakoj vežbanci posebno.

About the titels Latinijada and Ćirilijada

The idea was to give a recognizable title of the study material. In era of Olympiadas worldwide and popular events such as “Kobasicijada“, Čvarkijada” etc. in Serbia  (please, search on internet for more information), the titles of this study material got the name in the spirit of these titles.

As the name said, the Serbian Latin alphabet is introduced and practised in Latinijada 1-4 and the Cyrillic alphabet in Ćirilijada 1-4.

You can download for free the study material from page Download [6-9]. At the end of this page there are the Solutions. How to use the study material from this site you can read in the post with that name.

On the page English/Engleski you can find more information about this material as well as in Concept of Latinijada 1-4 and Ćirilijada 1-4 and the posts written for each material separately.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Ćirilijada 4 (Srpska verzija)

Kao što se latinica vežba u Latinijadi 4, tako se i ćirilica vežba u Ćirilijadi 4. Pisana slova ćirilice (azbuke) naučena u  Ćirilijadi 3 se ovde uvežbavaju.

Vežba se čitanje, pisanje i razumevanje teksta. Uvodi se više gramatike. Vrši se i poredjenje pojmova iz srpskog jezika sa pojmovima iz jezika društvene sredine dece da bi deca stvorila vezu izmedju ta dva jezika. To je i jedna od specifičnosti ovog materijala-namenjen je deci koja žive u dijaspori.

Ćirilijadu 4 možete download-ovati sa stranice Download [6-9]Pri dnu ove stranice su i rešenja ove vežbanke. Više o rešenjima je napisano u poruci Rešenja.

Opšte karakteristike obrazovnog materijala su date u poruci  Koncept Latinijade 1-4 i Ćirilijade 1-4 a kratko uputstvo za upotrebu u Kako koristiti materijal sa ovog sajta.

Ćirilijada 4 (English version)

As the handwritten Latin letters have been practised in Latinijada 4, the handwritten Cyrillic letters have been practised in Ćirilijada 4. Ćirilijada 4 is meant for practising the handwritten Cyrillic letters learnt in Ćirilijada 3 .

The purpose of the exercises is to practice writing, reading, text understanding and grammar. There are a few exercises where a child should make a simple comparison of some rules in Serbian language with the rules of the language in the environment where he/she lives. In this way the child makes a connection between the two languages. This is also a distigushed feature of this material - it is adjusted to kids living in diaspora.

You can download Ćirilijada 4 from page Download [6-9]. At the end of this page there are the solutions to this material. More about the Solutions is written in post Solutions.

Concept and general characteristics of this study material are given on page English/Engleski and in post Concept of Latinijada 1-4 and Ćirilijada 1-4 

Short guideline through the study material is presented in post How to use the study material from this site.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Ćirilijada 3 (Srpska verzija)

U Ćirilijadi 3 se uvode pisana slova ćirilice tj. azbuke. Uz svako novo slovo je dato i kako se to slovo piše štampano ćirilicom i pisano latinicom. Pisana verzija tog slova na latinici je data da bi dete moglo da uoči razliku i sličnosti izmedju pisane verzije tog slova u oba pisma (ćirilice i latinice).
Kao i u prethodnim vežbankama tako se i ovde obogaćuje rečnik dece, vežba se čitanje, pisanje, razumevanje teksta i gramatika.

Ćirilijadu 3 možete download-ovati sa stranice Download [6-9]. Pri dnu ove stranice su i rešenja ove vežbanke. Više o rešenjima je napisano u poruci Rešenja.

Opšte karakteristike obrazovnog materijala su date u poruci  Koncept Latinijade 1-4 i Ćirilijade 1-4 , a kratko uputstvo za upotrebu u Kako koristiti materijal sa ovog sajta.

Ćirilijada 3 (English version)

The handwritten letters of Cyrillic alphabet have been introduced in Ćirilijada 3. By the introduction of each letter, two more versions of this letter have been given: print (block) Cyrillic and handwritten Latin letter. The handwritten Latin letter have been shown that a child can see the difference and similarities between the same letter in the Cyrillic and Latin version.

As in the previous study material, the writing, reading, text understanding, grammar has been practiced in Ćirilijada 3 as well as the children’s vocabulary has been enriched. 

You can download Ćirilijada 3 from page Download [6-9]. At the end of this page there are the solutions to this material. More about the Solutions is written in post Solutions.
Concept and general characteristics of this study material are given on page English/Engleski and in post Concept of Latinijada 1-4 and Ćirilijada 1-4 

Short guideline through the study material is presented in post How to use the study material from this site.