
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Latinijada 3 (English version)

In Latinijada 3 the handwritten letters of Serbian Latin alphabet are introduced in similar way as in Latinijada 1 (see  Latinijada 1 (English version) ).Text of the exercises is written in Latin print (block) letters to allow children to read the text themselves since they are already familiar with the block letters.
The specific feature of Latinijada 3 is that the practising of writing of the handwritten letters are done in four ways:
1. In the first four tables only new letter should be written in the given words;
2. In next six tables already learnt letters are omitted. These letters should be added. In this way children are practising writing the letters, but they also have to pay attention which letters to add and in which order;
3. In next five tables all words are written in print (block) Latin letters and the words should be rewritten in handwritten letters. But some picture of the words are missing and a child should draw it. If he/she understands the word, he/she will draw it easily, but if he/she doesn’t understand the word, he/she can ask for the explanation. In this way the exercise becomes more interactive;
4. In the rest of the tables it is given only a picture of a thing or a creature. A child should write down the name of the thing or creature in handwritten letters.
In Latinijada 3 as in Latinijada 1, one extra exercise is added on each page where a new letter has been introduced.
If you want to see how this looks like in real life click on Latinijada 3 on page Download [6-9].
Solutions of Latinijada 3 is available at the end of page Download [6-9] and more information about solutions can be read in post Solutions.
More about general concept of this study material you can find in post Concept of Latinijada 1-4 and Ćirilijada 1-4. A short guideline how to use this material is give in post How to use the study material from this site .

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