
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Receptići (Srpska verzija)

Receptići su zbirka jednostavnih recepata jela koja deca u Srbiji rado jedu. Zbirka je napisana na dva jezika: srpskom i engleskom. Podeljena je u dva dela: u prvom delu su recepti za slana jela, a u drugom recepti za dezerte.

Recepti su jednostavni. Neki originalni recepti su pojednostavljeni kako bi deca mogla uz malu pomoć odraslih da ih prave.

Asistencija odraslih
Pomoć odraslih je potrebna pri odmeravanju sastojaka i zbog toga sto se radi o kuvanju, pečenju, prženju, sečenju, što deca nikako ne bi smela sama ili bez nadzora da rade. Lepa strana svega je što se pri pripremanju hrane deca provode vreme na drugačiji i zanimljiv način sa rodteljima, bakama, dedama, tetkama itd.

Ova zbirka recepata je svrstana u katerogiju Download [9+]. Granica, naravno, nije oštra. To je samo indikacija s obzirom da deca moraju da poseduju odredjenu motoriku za kuvanje.

Kome je namenjena zbirka?
Receptići su namenjeni svima koji žele da se na lep način zabave i naprave nešto jednostavno, brzo, ukusno i zdravo.

Osim dece, ovu zbirku recepata mogu da koriste i odrasli da se podsete nekih starih recepata, a i stranci koji žele da pripreme neko novo, neuobičajeno jelo. Zbog toga su recepti i prevedeni na engleski jezik.

Nastavnici mogu ovu zbirku da koriste kao deo domaćeg zadatka da zadaju učenicima da naprave neko od jela kod kuće i da podele sa drugarima u školi. Takodje, mogu da zadaju deci zadatak da napišu svoj omiljeni recept.

Pored toga, možete odštamapti zbirku na nekom kvalitetnom papiru i na primer plastificirati korice ili saviti u neku lepu mapu ili fasciklu i napraviti na taj način originalni poklon.

Veza sa jezikom
Na prvi pogled se ne čini da ova zbirka ima veze sa jezikom, ali veza je prisutna i korisna. Koristeći recepte, uče se pojmovi vezani za kuhinju. Pored toga uče se i osnove merenja. Dakle, zbirka ima i obrazovni karakter.

Poreklo recepata
U podnaslovu zbirke ne stoji ‘srpska tradicionalna jela’ već ‘jednostavna jela omiljena kod dece u Srbiji’ zato što je zbog velikog viševekovnog uticaja raznih naroda na području današnje Srbije vrlo teško za neka jela razlučiti da li su tipična srpska. Ideja ove zbirke je bila da se na jednom mestu nadju recepati sa tog podneblja, koja su omiljena kod dece i da se približe onima koji nisu odrasli tamo. Naravno, ostavljen je i prostor da dopišete neke svoje recepte i da ih na taj način otmete od zaborava. 

Autorka NE SNOSI nikakvu odgovornost za bilo kakve povrede nastale pri pripremanju jela iz ove zbirke recepata.

Receptići (English version)

This is collection of simple meals children in Serbia love to eat. This collection has been written in two languages: Serbian and English. It has been divided into two parts: the first part with dishes that can be served as appetizers or main dish and the second part with recipes for sweets.

The recipes are simple. Some original recipes are simplified so that children can make them easily with a bit of help of adults.

Adult assistance
Adult assistance is necessary to measure the ingredients and to assist with cooking, frying, baking, cutting; with all of the things that children shouldn’t do alone. This nice thing is that children will spend quality time with their parents, grandparents, aunts etc. while preparing the dishes.

Age indication
This recipe collection is placed in the section Download [9+]. The is just an indication. It is important that children have some motoric skills developed to be able to cook.   

Purpose and target groups 
‘Receptići’ is meant for everyone who wants to have fun and make simple, fast, delicious and healthy meals to eat.

This collection of recipes can be used also by adults who were brought up in Serbia or the surrounding area and would like to remember the old recipes or by foreigners who would like to prepare a new, unusual meal. Therefore, the recipes are translated in English.

Teachers can use this issue at school. They can ask pupils to make some dishes at home and share the meals with friends at school. They can as well ask children to write down their favourite recipes.

Furthermore, you can print this issue on high quality paper and laminate the cover pages or put the print in a nice map and give it to someone as an original present.

Relation to the language
At a glance, it seems that this issue has no relation with the language, but there is a useful relation. By using the recipes children can learn the terms used in the kitchen as well as the basics of measuring. Therefore, this issue is also educative.

Origin of the recipes
In the title of the issue it is written ‘Simple meals loved by children in Serbia’ and not ‘traditional Serbian meals’. This because nowadays it is very difficult to distinguish what are typical Serbian dishes due to the multicultural influence in this region. The idea was to make a collection of recipes from that area that are loved by children that grew up there and to make others familiar with them. Finally, there is an open space for you to add a recipe of your pwn to prevent to be forgotten by the generations that come.

The author is NOT RESPONSIBLE for any injury to any person suffered while preparing the dishes and sweets in this collection of recipes.

Kako odštamapti i koristiti zbirku recepata ,,Receptići''

Vrlo je jednostavno:
  1. Odete na stranicu Download [9+] i kliknete na izdanje Receptići i download-ujete ga. 
  2. Odštamapte  Receptiće. Imate dve mogućnosti za printanje:
    • Format A5: Ova dimenzija se preporučuje, jer je zgodnija za upotrebu.  A5 dobijete tako što podesite opcije štampanja na 'knjigu' tj. 'booklet' (dakle dve stranice teksta će biti odštampane na jednoj stranici A4 formata). Ovde je važno da  štampate dvostrano  da bi stranice imale pravilan redosled.  Presavijete stranice na pola i proheftate.
    • Format A4: To je standardan format i ovde nije bitno da se dvostrano štampa.
  3. Koristite  Receptiće  da napravite neke od recepata zajedno sa Vašim detetom. Opcija: Ako ste nastavnik/nastavnica možete da zadate deci kao domaći zadatak da kod kuće naprave uz pomoć roditelja jedan od recepata po izboru  i da donesu jelo školu da zajedno probate.
  4. Zabavite se i prijatno!

How to print and use the recipe collection 'Receptići'

It is very simple:
  1. Go on page Download [9+] and click on Receptići for download. 
  2. Print  Receptići. There are two options for printing: 
    • Format A5: This format is recommended, because it is more convenient to use. To get this format you have to choose option 'booklet' for printing (two pages of the text will be printed on one A4 page). It is very important to print double-sided to have pages printed in the correct order. Fold the pages in half and staple them in the middle.
    • Format A4: This is a standard format and it is not necessary to print  double-sided, but it looks better.
  3. Use Receptići to make some recipes together with your child. Option: If you are a teacher, you can ask children to make one of the recipes at home as a homework with a help of parents and to bring the meal to school to eat it together.
  4. Have fun! And Bon appetite!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Novo: kolekcija recepata za decu

Objavljeno je novo izdanje na sajtu - 'Receptići'. To je izdanje pojednostavljenih recepata jela koja deca vole da jedu u Srbiji.  'Receptići' se mogu preuzeti sa stranice Download [9+].

Uskoro: Više o ovom izdanju.

New: A collection of recipes for chidren

There is a new issue on the website. It is called 'Receptići'. This is a collection of simplified recipes of meals that children love to eat in Serbia. 'Receptići' can be downloaded from page Download [9+].

Soon: more about this issue.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Linkovi na Slovcu

Dodata je stranica sa linkovima na škole i programe na srpskom jeziku u inostranstvu. Trenutno su postavljeni linkovi škola i programa koji su u kontaktu sa ovim sajtom. Ako želite da i link  Vaše škole ili programa bude dodat, pošaljite zahtev (i bener, ako hoćete) na

Links on Slovce

There is a new page added with links to the schools and programs in Serbian language abroad. At the momenet there are links to schools and programs that have been in touch with this site. If you want your school/program to be added, just send a request (and your banner, if you wish) to

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Boje i brojevi na srpskom - audio verzija

Osnovni pojmovi iz srpskog jezika su dati u audio verziji na stranici Audio. Pored azbuke i abecede, postavljeni su i fajlovi sa izgovaranjem imena boja  i osnovnih brojeva.  

Colours and numbers in Serbian - audio version

Basic terms in Serbian language are given in an audio version of excercises on page Audio. Apart from the Latin and Cyrillic letters, there are two files with pronunciation of the colour names as well as general numbers.

Audio verzija azbuke i abecede

Na stranici Audio su postavljene audio verzije azbuke i abecede. Ove verzije su uradjene sa dečijim glasom pošto je ovo sajt namenjen prvenstveno deci, a i da bi im učenje slova bilo pristupačnije.

Audio version of Serbian Latin and Cyrillic alphabet

On page Audio you can find the audio versions of Serbian Latin and Cyrillic alphabet. These versions are made with a child’s voice, because this site is mainly intended for children and to make learning of these letters more interesting for them.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Novo: Audio verzija na Slovcu

Napravljena je nova strana sa audio verzijom sledećih izdanja:

Samo kliknite na fajl i download-ujte ga. Otvorite ga i kliknite na zvučnik da biste čuli reč.

New: Audio version on Slovce

A new page has been added with the following audio issues:
Just click on each issue for download. Open the file and click on every sound box to hear the word.