
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Više o YES_NS

Your Experience of Serbia_NS edition (YES_NS) je namenjeno turistima koji dolaze u Srbiju i Novi Sad. Pošto Novi Sad dobija u poslednje vreme dosta stranih posetilaca, što zbog muzičkog festivala Exit, što zbog organizovanih turističkih tura, ideja je bila da se spoje najosnovnije fraze na srpskom jeziku sa praktičnim informacijama u jednom izdanju, zgodnom za nošenje.

Prvi deo, koji obrađuje fraze u srpskom jeziku, je isti kao i u uopštenom izdanju YES. Razlika je u drugom delu gde je data mapa Novog Sada i centra Novog Sada. Na ovim mapama naznačene su znamenitosti na koje posetilac naiđe šetajući po gradu. Naravno, na sajtovima namenjenim novosadskom turizmu ima mnogo više informacija i znamenitosti koje ovde nisu pomenute zbog sažetosti i malog prostora.

U poruci Kako koristiti YES je dato kako YES_NS najazgodnije odštampati. U poruci Novo na sajtu: YES možete saznati više o specifičnostima ovog materijala.

YES_NS se nalazi na stranici Download [18+].

More about YES_NS

Your Experience of Serbia_NS edition ( YES_NS) is meant for tourists who are visiting Serbia and Novi Sad. Novi Sad gets lately more foreign visitors due to the music festival Exit as well as some organized tourist visits. The idea of YES_NS was to merge the basic phrases in Serbian language and practical information in one issue easy to carry along.

The first part of YES_NS, that introduces Serbian phrases, is the same as in a general issue YES.  The maps of Novi Sad and Novi Sad centre are shown in the second part. There are given some sightseeing sites that a visitor can come across while walking in the city as well as some practical information. On the websites about tourism in Novi Sad there are more information and some sightseeing info that are not mentioned in YES_NS due to limited space and conciseness.

In the post How to use YES, you can find a guideline for printing this material. In the post New on the website: YES you can read more about the specific features of this material.

This material you can download from the page Download [18+].

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Više o YES

Your Experience of Serbia (YES) je namenjen turistima koji dolaze u Srbiju i zainteresovani su da nauče najosnovnije fraze na srpskom jeziku kao i da imaju praktične informacije pri ruci.

Za razliku od uobičajenih vodiča i jezičkih knjiga, ovaj material daje najosnovnije izraze za situacije u kojima turista može da se nađe kao i savete šta pojesti, popiti i posetiti. Označena su neka tipična jela za to podneblje kako bi turista mogao lakše da se snađe u restoranu. Naravno, lista jela i pića nije potpuna zbog ograničenog prostora.

Data je i lista nekih znamenitosti i prirodnih lepota. To je dato kao indikacija, jer turisti koji po prvi put idu u neku zemlju obično žele da znaju šta je interesantno da se obiđe. Ideja je da datu listu i mapu koriste kao inspiraciju za organizovanje svog putovanja, a ako imaju interesa za neku od datih znamenitosti ili region, mogu da potraže detaljnije opise i preporuke na drugim sajtovima.

U poruci Kako koristiti YES je dato kako ga najlakše odštampati. U poruci Novo na sajtu: YES možete saznati više o specifičnostima ovog materijala.

YES možete naći na stranici Download [18+].

More about YES

Your Experience of Serbia (YES) is meant for tourists who are visiting Serbia and are interested in learning the basic phrases in Serbian language as well as to have some practical information.

Unlike the usual guides and language books, this material gives the basic phrases for situations where a tourist can get into as well as tips what to eat, drink and visit. Some typical dishes from this region are marked. Of course, the list of dishes and drinks is not complete due to the limited space.

There is also a list of sightseeing tips. This information is indicative, because tourist who are visiting a country for the first time usually would like to know in general what is interesting to visit. The idea is to use this list and map as an inspiration to organize the trips. If a visitor has more interest in some of the attractions or a region, he/she can search for detail description and other recommended sightseeing on other websites.

In the post How to use YES you can find a guideline for printing this material. In the post New on the website: YES you can read more about the specific features of this material.

This material you can download from the page Download [18+].

Friday, May 25, 2012

Kako koristiti YES

Vrlo je jednostavno:

1. Odete na stranicu Download [18+] i kliknete na izdanje YES ili YES_NS.

2. Odštamapte YES. Imate dve mogućnosti za printanje:

  • Format A5: Ova dimenzija se preporučuje, jer je zgodnija za putovanje.  A5 dobijete tako što podesite opcije štampanja na 'knjigu' tj. 'booklet' (dakle dve stranice teksta će biti odštampane na jednoj stranici A4 formata). Ovde je važno da  štampate dvostrano  da bi stranice imale pravilan redosled.  Presavijete YES na pola i proheftate. 
  • Format A4: To je standardan format i ovde nije bitno da se dvostrano štampa. 

3. Dopunite svoje znanje o predlozima datim u materijalu uz pomoć interneta i/ili knjiga.

Više o ovom materijalu pročitajte u poruci Novo na sajtu: YES.

How to use YES

It is very simple:

1. Go to page Download [18+]  and click on YES (or YES_NS) for download. 

2. Print  YES. There are two options for printing: 
  • Format A5: This format is recommended, because it is more convenient for traveling. To get this format you have to choose option 'booklet' for printing (two pages of the text will be printed on one A4 page). It is very important to print double-sided to have pages printed in the correct order. Fold the pages in half and staple them in the middle. 
  • Format A4: This is a standard format and it is not necessary to print double-sided. 
3. Consult internet and/or some books for more information on tips given in these issues.

More about YES you can find in the post New on the website: YES.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Novo na sajtu: YES

U delu Download [18+] su postavljena dva nova izdanja, ovog puta za odrasle. To je priručnik za posetioce Srbije, koji je nastao od Frazica (vidi: Download [9+] i poruku Novo na sajtu Slovce: Frazice) i prilagodjen je odraslima. Osnovno izdanje se zove Your Experience of Serbia skraćeno -YES. Pored njega postoji za sad i izdanje specijalno napravljeno za posetioce Novog Sada (YES_NS).

Šta sadrži YES?
U ovom priručniku možete naći sledeće:
- Izgovor srpskih slova;
- Najosnovnije reči i fraze;
- Primere konverzacija u raznim situacijama (npr. u restoranu, na benzijskoj pumpi);
- Preporuke (šta probati, šta  posetiti…);
- Mapu sa nekim poznatim znamenitostima.

Zašto ovakav priručnik?
Zato što:
je dosta teško naći knjige za strance sa osnovnim pojmovima srpskog jezika. Ako ih i ima, štampani su u vrlo skromnom tiražu i vrlo brzo se rasprodaju. YES je tu da pomogne turistima, kojih u poslednje vreme ima nešto više u većim gradovima Srbije.

iako sve više ljudi u Srbiji priča strane jezike i već dosta restorana ima jelovnike i na engleskom jeziku, to još uvek nije postao standard. Pored toga, ne zna svaki stranac ako se sam zatekne u restoranu šta je tipično srpsko jelo. Za to su date preporuke u ovom priručniku.

ima i turista koji bi vrlo rado da probaju da izvedu najjednostavniju konverzaciju na jeziku zemlje u kojoj su ili dođu u situaciju da moraju nešto da objasne, a sagovornik ne govori strani jezik. YES obrađuje najosnovnije situacije u kojima bi turista mogao da se nađe.

oni koji često putuju i imaju samo par dana da obiđu neko mesto, obično ne žele da nose sa sobom puno isprintanih papira sa raznim informacijama o mestu koje obilaze. Zato YES daje i najosnovnije podatke na mapi, koje mogu da budu zgodne posetiocu u kratkoj poseti.

Po čemu je specifičan YES?
Specifičnost YES-a je u tome što:
- Može uvek da se preuzme sa interneta i besplatno odštampa (ceo ili neki njegov deo);
- Sadrži najosnovnije informacije o srpskom jeziku, fraze i reči;
- Obrađuje razne situacije u kojima bi turista mogao da se nađe;
- Preporučuje tradicionalna jela, znamenitosti…;
- Sadrži mapu sa najosnovnijim podacima za lakše snalaženje i sa nekim znamenitostima;
- Tanak je, pregledan, sažet i zgodan je za nošenje.

Kome je namenjen YES?
Namenjen je odraslima zato što sadrži preporuke za alkoholna pića i obrađuje kompleksnije situacije u odnosu na Frazice.

Ova izdanja možete naći na stranici Download [18+].

U narednim porukama više o svakom izdanju posebno.

New on the website: YES

On page Download [18+] there are two new issues dedicated to adults. These materials are meant as small tourist guides for people visiting Serbia. They are based on Frazice (see page

The basic issue is called Your Experience of Serbia  abbreviated YES. There is also a special issue made for visitors of Novi Sad (YES_NS).

What contains YES?
In this guide you can find the following:
- Pronunciation of Serbian letters;
- Basic words and phrases;
- Examples of conversations in various situations (e.g. in a restaurant, on a petrol station);
- Suggestions (what to eat, what to visit…);
- Map(s) with some sightseeing tips.

Why this guide?
It is very difficult to find books for foreigners with the basic phrases in Serbian, because they are printed in a limited edition and sold out quickly. YES is meant to solve that problem.
Despite the fact that nowadays more people speak foreign languages and more restaurants have the menus in English, this did not become a standard yet. Moreover, every foreigner is not familiar with the typical Serbian dishes. Therefore, some suggestions of what to eat and drink are given in this material.
Some tourists would like to try to make a small talk in a language of the country they are visiting or they might come into a situation that the interlocutor does not speak any foreign language. YES gives the basic situations the tourist might get into.
People, who travel a lot and have just a few days to visit a city, usually do not like to carry around a lot of prints with the city information. YES gives the basic information that can be useful to the visitor on a short stay. 

What is specific for YES?
YES is specific by the following:
- It can be always downloaded for free from internet and printed out (completely or a part of it);
- It contains basic information about Serbian language, phrases and words;
- It gives examples of various situations a tourist can get into;
- It gives tips for traditional dishes, sightseeing…;
- It contains a map with basic information to easily find your way and also some sightseeing tips;
- It is thin, concise and easy to bring along.

Who is the target group?
It is meant for adults, because it contains some suggestions for alcoholic beverages as well more complex phrases and situations than Frazice

These guides you can download from the page Download [18+]

In the next posts it will be said more about each issue. 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Obnovljene ,,Frazice" i ,,Frazice_vežbe"

Od 21. maja 2012 uvode se novi telefonski brojevi za hitne službe u Srbiji. Pošto se ovi brojevi pominju u izdanjima ,,Frazice" i ,,Frazice_vežbe" na strani 17, brojevi ovih službi su promenjeni kako bi ova izdanja sadržala korektne informacije. Vidi stranicu Download [9+].

Update of 'Frazice'and 'Frazice_vezbe'

As of May, 21 2012 the emergency phone numbers in Serbia will be changed. Since these numbers are mentioned in 'Frazice' and 'Frazice_vežbe' and to keep these issues up date, this information has been updated on page 17 of both issues. See Download [9+]